Hobo Hustlers

Hobo Hustlers

Always Busy.

You people who buy this paper will learn that this world is full of troubles. And the funny part of this proposition is that the “HOBOES” are not making these troubles. They are inherent in our system.

This paper is put into your hands for a purpose.

We want you to understand this PURPOSE. You have here a picture of our boys in New York. There are many like them in all the big cities throughout this wonderful country

which you own. They are capable, bright and business-like, even if they do belong to the

“HOBO CLASS.” If a man is down and out there is some reason for it. The purpose of this paper is to tell you some of the reasons.

We do not pretend that this paper is erudite. But we tell you that it is full of truth and that it should be believed because we, who make this paper, know these troubles.

Now, there are, in this country, over two millions, as a vast army of men who live the life of the casual, migratory and most of the time, unemployed mem, whom you call the

HOBOES. They are doing the work of the World, and you have never been given a chance to understand them until you bought this paper.

There are all kinds and conditions of men. It may be true that there are bad men amongst this HOBO class. It is also true that there are bad men on the police forces. It is also

true that there are bad men in millionaire class and even in the ministry. But there is some good in every one of them, no matter what their station in life, and if we can help to find this spark of goodness in all our fellow men, we can arrive at a far better state of affairs than we have in the present muddled system.

To this end, this paper was placed in your hands. These boys whom you have seen, perhaps for the first time, are helping in your education.

We believe that if the world is to be saved from its present wickedness and misery, that you must take your part in it.

You are invited to help. There is only one way in which you can help this paper and, with it, this movement. Every single one of our fellow men and women can be placed in the Kingdom of SELF-RESPECT.

Poverty and Injustice make them what they are.

It is up to you. We are fighting this battle. The time has come when you must do your share. It is a simple proposition. Help us with this paper. It is run, now, at a loss. No matter. The trouble will arise as the circulation increases. We can put out into this great country, a million copies every month. But you must help us with the where withal. You get your money’s worth. You get a paper that is full of human blood and kindness to our fellows and untainted with creeds, ‘isms’ and polities. Every copy that you buy helps some hungry man and woman; and better yet, it keeps them in that Kingdom of Selfrespect, which will do away for all time with the miseries, disgrace and degration of the bread lines and soup lines.

Send in to the Editor at 1111 Clark Avenue, St. Louis, your subscription, Just fifty cents for one year.

How can you ever regret the doing of a good thing that costs you so little?

So, be good and come across and help the only bunch of down-and-out men who had the nerve to face you and tell you the truth.