Letters to the Editor


Dear Comrade:

We, of the press Committee, have been having an interesting time trying to decide about a question in page 3, of August number, wherein the Farmer is is said to get too mycg for his wheat and thus help cause the high price of living.

Now, this hardly seems to be on “all fours,” but the whole matter makes one think. It leads a person to wondering if farmers in our wheat belt are not working-class farmers and impoverished tenant farmers.

It also made me wonder whether, it we or the agricultural workers got well organized, and get not $2.00, but $4.00, per diem in the Harvest fields, we should be then helping to boost the high cost of living ourselves.

There will be plenty of time, yes, all the winter, to study and debate such things, and many of the unemployed have vastly MORE TIME THAN MONEY. So, I say, there will be plenty of time later on to study the agricultural problem and the cause of the high cost of living, of long hours, poor remuneration, etc.

Indeed, I hope that such questions as these may lead all of our Local Groups to start classes and lectures and debates this very fall.

For in knowledge is there power and in knowledge and solidarity the true wisdom.

J. EADS HOW, New York City.

To the Editor:

Say, what about offering a small cash prize in each edition to whoever sends in the best original ballad style poem or song, each month. A motion to this effect was passed at the Baltimore conference.

We want to put out our own Song Book.

WILL J. QUIRK E, Philadelphia, Pa.

To the Editor:

A letter or advice to job hunters. For some time, have been seeking a position through personal correspondence and agencies. realize fully the present condition of affairs and heard the following apparent causes-the war, the continual rainy weather, and the coming 1916 election, to hear agencies first stories, times were never better than at present. The warring countries are buying from us by the millions. Eastern manufacturers are working overtime filling orders. Nevertheless they take your dollar tor listing and regretfully tell you the last position was filled a few minutes ago. “Drop in tomorrow, and maybe something will turn up.” They take your dollar, and if you are fortunate enough to get a position through them, also take from 15 to 25 per cent of your first months’ salary. Thus far, I have been one of the fortunate, although the position I was to fill the following day hasn’t presented itself; so, you who are seeking a position don’t contribute to the upkeep or once rent, high salaries, good cigars, vacations, joy rides and the like, but use the filthy lucre for care-fare and occasional newspaper ads.

SCOTT McPHERSON, Kansas City, Mo.

To the Editor:

It was with pleasure that on Sunday, August 1st, a badly dilapidated copy or your little periodical, through some unknown channel, floated all the way up to my neighborhood in the County of the Bronx, N. Y., and not being satisfied to share with being allowed to share its trials and tribulations with the peaceful community of this county, it entered into my home with the assistance of the wind. I must certainly say it afforded pleasure to all my brother and father of whom three of us are newspaper men.

I spent the entire afternoon reading your little paper to the family, and we all like very much the cause the paper is based on, we understand the difference between a hobo and a tramp or beggar. I have a brother who is a member of your clan; he is somewhere in Kansas now. He started out when about 14 years old, and is now about 21 years. All that time he has spent on the road from Alaska to the Gulf of Mexico. His idea was to better himself, and he has he don’t drink or smoke and will not accept a meal unless he does some work for it. He has learned a great deal of what a workman has to contend with in not getting paid for what he produces. When he gets home occasionally, his talks resemble the reading in your little prayer.

I will try and get some subscribers for you so the P. O. O. will recognize it as second-class matter.

PHILIP P. BOLGER, 1031 Fox St., Bronx, N. Y.