Local Philadelphia Laws


By the Secretary.

The Employment Agencies are cutting the high cost of living for the Bosses.

The B. & O. are shipping out men grading the way from Chester to Wilmington through local offices at $1.50 per day.

All Jobs here East pay twenty-five per cent less than last year for the same work.

Scott, Murray, Bargen and Reilly are on a week’s trip, free-lancing through Maryland.

  1. P. Gallagher, attorney at law, is handling a proposition to secure from the city authorities the loan of a suitable building large enough to shelter our bunch this coming winter. Some of the Municipal Bureaus favor the plan.

The smug investigators of the Organized Charity Fakery are busy trying to get the State to increase the $18,000 appropriation.

On the fourth of October, a commission of manufacturers and city hall folks will investigate unemployment in Philadelphia. This investigating stuff is the tall stunt of all our fake reformers,

Unemployment was an acute problem in Philadelphia last winter; the city authorities decided the best remedy for poverty and starvation was to count the hungry instead of feeding them. This week, six months after coming to that decision, Director Cooke (of city property) tells us through the press that 70,000 wage workers, possessing homes, were out of employment at that time. We wanted bread then; they hand us a lemon now.

Dr. How was around our Hotel de Jungles

here about a week. The boys enjoyed his visit. He helped us at out-door meetings. We are co-operating with the Pennsylvania Free Speech League in our out-door work.

We just now are planning the winter work We are going to furnish speakers to fill dates in all the open Forums in Philadelphia.

Our Industrial Department is started. It looks good to us.