New York Briefs


Local No. 3, New York.

The Shipping Sharks are taking advantage of the hard times and have raised the price of jobs.

War times, War prices for everything but labor power.

The Local Boys have been very active this month, despite the fact that they have not always had the ‘News’ to sell at their meetings.

They are also handling Jack London’s “Tramp’ when they can get supplied.

There are four speakers in this city, holding more than 12 meetings a week.

Local No. 3 is going to start an Industrial Department as soon as they can get a building.

There are several unused city buildings which we have tried to get, but have been turned down by those in charge.

The Local is giving a picnic for the benefit of the Unemployed September 6th, at Fort George, A god program is arranged. Tickets are selling well.

The Sunday afternoon meetings are well attended. A good list of speakers is scheduled for September and some big times expected.

Charles Ashleigh, of San Francisco, spoke last Sunday on ”The Psychology of Vagabondage.” Some very interesting discussions followed.

Earle Lewis has just arrived from West Virginia is getting acquainted with the soapbox.

There is some talk here about taking up a collection to buy a new hat for Dr. How.

Brother Reitman, the N. Y. Delegate to the Boston Conference has found a job. He was arrested at New Haven, on his way home from Boston. We have kept him in tobacco and reading ‘material. He will be out soon.

Robert Crawford is the Secretary, and with the help of Elmer Rombaugh, the Organizer, is doing good work.

Meetings every Sunday, 3 p.m., at 64 East 4th Street. Everybody welcome.