The Baltimore Conference


The Baltimore Conference was a great success. There were some differences of opinion as to the Chairman, which were grossly magnified by the Capitalist Press, as usual. These differences are to be expected and are even welcomed. It is not good for men to be agree: able all the time. It leads to a stage of humility, bordering on sycophancy, which is not desirable. Nevertheless, the business was carried through in good shape and the Hobo element is now in better credit with the people of Baltimore than ever before. The main thing is that people shall know the truth about conditions. Just as soon as the people are awake to the facts, just so soon will they force the remedy. The heart of the American people is good and just. The main object of all our Conferences and Rallies is to dispel the ignorance prevailing about the actual condition of affairs. As soon as that ignorance is dispelled and the people know the TRUTH as we know it, there will be a change in the affairs of men.

The Resolutions inaugurated by the San Francisco Conference and ratified by the Executive Committee in St. Louis, also passed by referendum of the Locals, were confirmed. So it is now incumbent on the Editor to print them, that all the lay members may know what was done.


  1. We send greetings to all the brothers, now prisoners of war in the Bastilles of the enemy; especially to Joe Hill in Utah, the McNamaras, Ryan, McAlpin, Dublin Bob, Niles and Roberts, now in St. Quentin; Pancher in Nevada; Ford and Suhr and D. ford now in Folsom; Ranfel others wherever held, be it in Glorious U.S. A.
  1. We demand transportation to the job, leaving the means of such transportation to be quietly perfected by the ruling class, and meantime, the workers are urged to use their best efforts to secure such transportation by action on the job.
  2. We demand the Repeal of the Unconstitutional Vagrancy Laws and recommend all Gentlemen to ask Jury Trial when charged with vagrancy.
  3. We demand insurance against unemployment and the Right to Work.
  4. We demand the Industrial Franchise or the Right to Work.
  5. We protest against the imprisonment of Ford and Suhr, and recommend that the Workers of the World, and especially of California, remember those on the job as long as they are imprisoned.
  6. We denounce the murder of Brother Jack Whyte in Tonopah recently, and the fact that his slayer, a gambler, was released on 8500.00 bail, pending the death of Brother Whyte; and when Whyte died he (the gambler) was turned loose without trial.
  7. We demand the abolition of woman and child slavery.
  8. We indorse the idea of a Harvest Workers’ Convention to be held in Kansas City, and recommend the election of a Brother to recommend us at said Convention.
  9. We recommend and beseech all workers to get together and organize.
  10. We hereby declare it to be the fundamental law of the Brotherhood Welfare Association, that all vital matters, passed upon at our Convention, be referred to Referendum vote.
  11. That we condemn the vile and dirty Dick Militia Bill.
  12. That we protest against the Thugs hired by the Pinkertons and other Detective Agencies, and the private soldiery as used in Calumet, Pain and Cabin Creek, and as used in Colorado, and that we send General Chase and the press a copy.
  13. That we recommend and urge the men and women of the working class, not to raise so many slaves as to hold a club over the heads of those who happen to have a job.

Respectfully submitted,

J. A. LAW,




I hereby certify that these resolutions were passed by the National Executive Committee, by the Referendum to the different Locals and by our Eastern Comrades in their Baltimore Conference.


National Secretary.