Why Worry When People Talk

You may go through the world, but twill be very slow,

If you listen to all that is said as you go;

You’ll be worried and fretted and kept in a stew,

For meddlesome tongues must have something to do,

For people will talk, you know;

Oh, yes, they must talk, you know.


If quiet and modest, you’ll have it presumed

That your humble position is only assumed –

Your’re a wolf in a sheep’s clothing, or else you’re a fool –

But don’t get excited; keep perfectly cool –

For people will talk, you know;

Oh, yes, they must talk, you know.


And then, if you show the least boldness of heart,

Or a slight disposition to take your own part,

They will call you an upstart, conceited and vain –

But keep straight ahead; don’t stop to explain,

For people will talk, you know;

Oh, yes, they must talk, you know


If threadbare your dress or old-fashioned your hat,

Some person will surely take notice of that,

And hint rather strong that you can’t pay your way;

But don’t get excited, whatever they say,

For people will talk, you know;

Oh, yes, they must talk, you know,


If your dress is new-fashioned, don’t think to escape,

For they criticise then in a different shape

You’re ahead of your means, or your tailor’s unpaid

But mind your own business; there’s naught to be made

For people will talk, you know;

Oh, yes, they must talk, you know.


Now the best way to do is to do as you please,

For your mind, if you have one, will then be at ease,

Of course, you will meet with all sorts of abuse,

But don’t think to stop it; it’s really no use,

For people will talk, you know

Oh, yes, they must talk, you know.